Friday, November 9, 2007

Can You Write Top Quality Niche Articles on Any Subject in Under 10 Minutes?

For a long time now I've been writing articles on subjects that I am familiar with, simply because my writing flows when I write about things I have a certain amount of knowledge on.

When it came to writing top quality niche articles on subjects that were new to me, I had to do a lot of research. Writing top quality content in high paying subject areas that you know little about is a difficult task. You have to decide which topic you want to write about, then research subtopics that should be covered in your article, then go out and research information on each topic and subtopic you want to cover in the article--and that's all BEFORE you actually write anything...

It certainly was a lot of work to put together just one top quality niche article.

I took some time to search for a way to seed up my article writing process and after almost giving up and returning to my old and tedious article writing routine, I found something that just might do the trick.

This was a software program developed by Jonathan Leger. Jonathan is a well known Internet marketing expert. Jonathan's software is called Instant Article Wizard.

Jonathan claimed that anyone using his instant article writer could write a Top Quality Article on any subject in 8 minutes flat! Needless to say, I was intrigued.

As I scrolled down the page I came to a small red stop sign and 2 links highlighted in yellow. The 2 links were connected to 2 demonstration videos.

By the time I got finished watching both demonstration videos, I was convinced that I had to give this instant article writer a try. So I bought the product.

I was in shock and awe after having written 5 articles on any niche market that came to me - in only an hour.

This article writing software is like a miracle come true. Loaded with features that are too long to list here, but here are some benefits:

* Human Reviewers Will Think You're An EXPERT

* Create multiple niche web sites and continually post new content to them!

* Create articles to submit to free article sites and get hundreds of back links to your web sites!

* Get into the business of writing articles for other webmasters on any topic they want!

* Support For 6 Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and German

So if you haven't guessed by now, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Instant Article Writer.


Unknown said...

I've been struggling for some time now trying to write quality articles for my website content and to publish to article sites. This article writer software is the best. I can now write at least 5 articles an hour on any niche market i choose.

jt120651 said...

This article research/writing software has made article writing so easy for me. It used to take me a week to write 5 niche articles, but now I am able to write 5 to 8 original content articles an hour.
This saves so much time!